====== Image Gallery ====== |{{:wiki:photo.jpg?600|}} |Holiday Jamboree 2013 (Left to Right: Samuel Stephenson, Kyle McLelland, Matt Graham, Hiral Patel, Kyle Vogt) | |{{:img_20140222_105310.jpg?600|}} | Lake Oswego High School AP Physics Class Touring MFE Lab | |{{:wiki:timezeroday1.jpg?600|}} | Time Zero Day Open House | |{{:wiki:timezeroday2.jpg?600|}} | Time Zero Day Open House | |{{:wiki:timezeroday3.jpg?600|}} | Time Zero Day Open House | |{{:wiki:timezeroday4.jpg?600|}} | Time Zero Day Open House | |{{:wiki:topic2_1.jpg?600|}} |Moire Patterns generated at various twist angles in bilayer graphene. Image by [[http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~aluican/research.html|Adina Luican-Mayer]] | |{{:wiki:topic2_2.jpg?600|}} |Graphene bilayer twist lattice and band structure. Image by [[http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~aluican/research.html|Adina Luican-Mayer]] | |{{:wiki:graphene_band_structure.png?600|}} |Graphene π- and π*-band structure over the complete Brillouin zone. Image by [[http://www.uni-muenster.de/Physik.PI/Zacharias/research/graphene/graphene.html|Carsten Winter]] |